Some children and teenagers roam around Kamalapur railway station and surrounding area. They sleep at night in parks, open fields, railway stations, roads, bus stands or foot over bridges. Even if they get one meal, two meals are spent by consuming a kind of drug called Dandy.
The solution (glue) used in shoes or foam is filled with polythene and breathed in front of the mouth for a while - this addiction is called Dandy. These are street children. Some are fatherless. Due to various reasons including parents' polygamy, family turmoil, parents' divorce, children are thrown away from their families and take shelter on the road.
Someone works as a porter. Some are involved in anti-social activities such as stealing & begging. A population deprived of complete education. These neglected, underprivileged street children carry only slander since birth. These homeless nomadic children have no better friends. They are very low class people in the eyes of the society.
The Humanist Society takes the initiative to bring back the children and adolescents who have been slandered to the mainstream of the society. Founder member of this organization and associate professor of a private university-Dr. Tawfiq-E- Elahi. This educational program is being conducted under the overall supervision of Tawfiq Elahi. He was involved in humanitarian activities with some students of different universities.